Monday, September 27, 2010

Essay #1

When joining a social network one is basically signing  a contract giving everyone the right into there personal space. There is going to be a loss of privacy, it just comes with the web page. This can be seen as harmful, or beneficial to us as a whole. As we get further and further in our social networks we almost lose are personality and join together to form one super person.

Joining a social network comes with a price. You will most likely lose some personal space. For example, someone can easily post an embarrassing picture of you that you would usually keep private. One could also easily view your profile and look at all your information. I feel like as our society progresses and our technology has improves we lose more and more of our personal space and time to ourselves. For example, we can not escape cellphones because they are always there sitting in our front pockets. Now we can't go anywhere without being connected to the internet because it is on our cell phones. We are basically all just links in a giant chain. We are all connected to one giant net work.

Being on a social network and having a lack of privacy can be a bad thing. For example, your boss might stumble upon your page and see a picture of you which gives him just enough evidence to have you fired. So in the end it either becomes have a page get fired, don't put as much up so you don't get  to express yourself, or don't have a page at all. I personally don't think its fair that jobs can judge because of  a website, but in the end my opinion does not really matter.

As we get further and further into technology and social networks we become more and more connected with one another. Our pages look similar and have similar stuff on it, our pictures start to look similar with similar goofy smiles. It is almost as if we are becoming one hyper person becoming connected by face book and social network sites like it. I personally feel like I know people better even if I don't really know them, because of their facebook pages.

When joining a social network one is almost guaranteed to lose some personal space. People will always be able to contact you. There is also a huge loss of privacy. It can be good, or it can be bad, like if your trying to get a job. With social networks, like facebook, we are almost joining together to become one hyper person. Facebook is joining us together and it could be a good thing or a bad thing.

1 comment:

  1. When reading the question about withering the individual provided by Professor Jacobsen, I was very confused. I couldn't think of any concrete evidence to show that it withers an individual.

    After reading this, I realized that it is the connectivity (which I actually wrote about, too) that withers the individual. I was thinking about this topic as if an individual's personality is taken (which I do think is possible, but not too common- we post on facebook, twitter, etc. with opinion- which to me is a part of one's personality).

    I like how you referred to everyone as one chain-- one individual. We have all become one. I think you did a good job picking apart the question. You make good points.
